- DMPQ-Monolithic pillars are epitome of Mauryan architecture.” Elucidate.
- DMPQ-Write an essay on Simon Bolivar’s role in latin America’s freedom.
- DMPQ-Write an essay on the rise of modern Japan.
- DMPQ-Trace the events that led to the unification of Italy.
- DMPQ- Napoleonic Empire was Doomed Because of Its Inherent and Self Defeating Contradictions.”
- DMPQ- . “American Revolution was a Natural and Even Expected Event in The History of Colonial People Who Had Come of Age.” Comment.
- DMPQ- . Throw light on the economic and political activities of Jaiprakash Narayan’s socialist party after independence.
- DMPQ- Give a brief background about cripps mission. Mention the major features of cripps mission.
- DMPQ- . Give a brief description of Lal Bahadur Shastri era.
- DMPQ- Discuss how Lahore resolution became founding stone for the success of two nation theory.
- DMPQ- Explain government of India’s role in the liberation of Bangladesh.
- DMPQ- Explain how Tripuri congress session led to the foundation of Forward block.
- DMPQ- Trace the salient features of Government of India act, 1935.
- DMPQ- Give a brief description of communal award (1932) and puna pact.
- DMPQ- Discuss the conditions in which second round table conference was conducted. Also mention the objectives of the conference.
- DMPQ- Discuss the significance of Karachi session of congress in India’s freedom struggle.
- DMPQ- Explain how linguistic issues became a huge challenge during consolidation of India
- DMPQ- . Discuss Gandhi’s 11 points and explain how they became background for civil disobedience movement.
- DMPQ- India was poised by communal tension on the eve of Independence.” Elucidate.
- DMPQ- “Different regions of India had different interpretation of non-cooperation movement.” Explain.
- DMPQ- Explain how lord Cornwallis played important in strengthening the company’s rule.
- DMPQ- Discuss the challenges India faced in it’s early years after independence and also mention the strategies opted to face them.
- DMPQ- Discuss how Lord Wellesley’s Subsdiary Alliance policy helped the cause of expansion of British empire.
- DMPQ- Explain how Indigo cultivation became source of Indian farmer’s exploitation and how farmers resisted against it.
- DMPQ- . Explain the challenges of Kashmir integration and also mention how did India respond to it.
- DMPQ- Discuss how lord Dalhousie’s Policy of Lapse policy helped the cause of expansion of British empire.
- DMPQ-Highlight the salient features of Mathura school of art during 1st century A.D.
- DMPQ-. Throw light on the Simon commission recommandations.
- DMPQ-. “Sculpture and painting saw it’s peak during Gupta period.” Explain.
- DMPQ-. How did different political groups respond to the Simon commission report ?
- DMPQ-. “Temple architecture reached it’s peak during Chola period.” Elucidate.
- DMPQ-. How did the spread of Marxist and Socialist Ideas effected India’s freedom struggle ?
- DMPQ-. Throw light on the contributions of Susruta and Charak in the field of ancient medical science.
- DMPQ-. Trace the Swaraj party’s activities in Councils. Also mention their achievements.
- DMPQ-. Bring out the Contributions of Aryabhatt in the field of Science and mathematics.
- DMPQ- What was the reason behind the foundation of swaraj party ? what arguments swaraji leaders presented to convince congress leadership?
- DMPQ- . Give a brief description of Architecture development during Akbar’s reign.
- DMPQ- . Point out the historical background in which Non-cooperation and Khilafat movement began.
- DMPQ- Trace the evolution of architecture during Delhi sultanate period.
- DMPQ- The Rowlatt Act gave executive branch extraordinary powers to suppress any discordant voice against the legislative reforms.” Elucidate.
- DMPQ- . Discuss the origin and main features of free standing temple architecture in India.
- DMPQ- “Champaran Satyagraha (1917) was Gandhi’s first Civil Disobedience movement in India.” Elucidate.
- DMPQ- Throw light on the salient features of Harappan architecture.
- DMPQ- . Discuss the Gandhi’s struggle in South Africa for the rights of Indian workers.
- DMPQ- Give a brief description of contemporary state of India’s performing arts.
- DMPQ- Trace the drawbacks of Montagu-Chelmsford Reforms and Government of India Act, 1919.
- DMPQ- . Trace the origin of Drama in India. Also mention the regional versions of Dram in India.
- DMPQ- . Point out the reasons for the resurgence of nationalism in India after first world war.
- DMPQ- Trace the origin of different forms of classical dance in India.
- DMPQ- “Komagata Maru Incident and the publication of Ghadar paper were evidences of expension of Indian nationalism outside of the country.” Elucidate.
- DMPQ- Bring out the differences between Hindustani classical music and Carnatic classical music.
- DMPQ- Evaluate critically the impact of Morley-Minto Reforms of 1909.
- DMPQ- Discuss the important features of Kalamkari painting.
- DMPQ- Describe the British reaction against national movement after the introduction of swadesi movement and increasing influence of extremist leaders.
- DMPQ- Describe the salient features of Mithila school of paintings.
- DMPQ- Critically evaluate the strategies adopted by moderate congress leaders in the initial phase of nationalist movement against British imperialism.
- DMPQ- Explain how Meiji restoration paved the way for Japanese fascism.
- DMPQ- . “Bengal became the centre of painting in modern India.” Explain.
- DMPQ- Evaluate critically that western thoughts and education played important role in the rise of modern nationalism in India.
- DMPQ- . How did Kuomintang and Sun Yat Sen’s politics effect China’s history?
- DMPQ- “Painting reached new heights during medieval India.” Elucidate.
- DMPQ- . “The Aligarh Movement emerged as a liberal, modern trend among the Muslim intelligentsia.” Critically evaluate the statement.
- DMPQ-Trace the significance of Lahore Congress session and declaration of purn swaraj in freedom struggle.
- DMPQ- . “The Boxer Rebellion was an uprising against foreigners in China.”Elucidate.
- DMPQ- Trace the origin of painting as a form of an Art in ancient India.
- DMPQ- Write an essay on Sree Narayana Guru Dharma Paripalana (SNDP) Movement.
- DMPQ- Discuss the causes of Opium wars in China.
- DMPQ- Evaluate the significance of Bhakti and sufi movement in medieval culture.
- DMPQ- Give a brief description of the Ramakrishna movement.
- DMPQ- How did Berlin conference (1884-85) change the fate of Africa forever ?
- DMPQ- What are the basic features of Sufism? Trace the development of Sufism in India.
- DMPQ- . Jyotiba phule’s satyashodhak samaj movement has played important role in social equality goal.
- DMPQ- “Colonialism and Mercantile Capitalism were not only related but depended on each other.” Elucidate.
- DMPQ- Give a brief description of the evolution of Marathi literature from early to modern period.
- DMPQ- Write an essay on Young Bengal Movement and Henry Vivian Derozio.
- DMPQ- How did scientific innovations help the cause of European colonialism.
- DMPQ- Discuss the historical evolution of the Hindi language and literature.
- DMPQ- Evaluate the contributions of Raja Rammohan roy and Brahmo samaj in socio-religious field.
- DMPQ- . Discuss the Social impacts of industrial revolution on Britain.
- DMPQ- . Trace the evolution of Urdu language during medieval India.
- DMPQ- Trace the steps taken by Indian Intellectuals and British governments for Gender rights in 19th century.
- DMPQ- Evaluate the policy of blood and iron in the unification of Germany.
- DMPQ- Trace the evolution of Kannada litreture from premedieval to medieval era.
- DMPQ- Discuss the factors gave rise to desire for socio-religious reforms in 19th century.
- DMPQ- Explain why did Industrial Revolution first occur in England.
- DMPQ- “Gupta period witnessed some of the most prominent Sanskrit scholars.” Elucidate.
- DMPQ- “The 1857 mutiny however failed was not without the significance for Indians.” Explain.
- DMPQ- . Trace the sequence of events during French revolution.
- DMPQ- Write an essay about the evolution of Paintings during Mughal period.
- DMPQ- “The revolt of 1857 led to far-reaching changes in the system of administration and the policies of the British government.” Elucidate.
- DMPQ- . Evaluate critically that American revolution brought the necessary changes in the continent.
- DMPQ- Trace the popular rise of Bhakti movement in medieval India.
- DMPQ- . How did the East India company suppress the 1857 mutiny ?
- DMPQ- How did Greek invasion affected Indian culture in 4th century?
- DMPQ- “During 1857 revolt Bahadur shah zafar was the symbolic head of the revolutionaries.” Elucidate.
- DMPQ- Trace the sequence of events led to the unification of Germany.
- DMPQ- Trace the impact of Persian invasion on Indian culture in sixth century BC.
- DMPQ- What are the major economic causes of the 1857 revolt ?
- DMPQ- . Why and how did communism collapse in Eastern Europe?
- DMPQ- Discuss the reasons for the failure of Weimar republic ?
- DMPQ- Assess the reasons why the Six-Day War of 1967 was followed by the Yom Kippur War only three years later.
- DMPQ- . Why and in what ways did the states of western Europe see close relations with each other after the Second World War?
- DMPQ- How important was the Marshall Plan in bringing about the recovery of Western Europe between 1947 and 1951?
- DMPQ- How far the appeasement of Hitler was responsible for the second world war?
- DMPQ- Explain why relations between the European states were so full of tensions in the early years of the twentieth century.
- DMPQ- Discuss how 1908 Bosnia crisis became provoking factor for first world war.
- DMPQ- . “Nehru rejected the capitalist developmental and civilizational perspective and, instead, worked for fundamental transformation of Indian society in a socialist direction.” Elaborate the statement.
- DMPQ- “Government of India act of 1856 brought the significant changes in British India’s constitutional set up.” Elucidate.
- DMPQ- “Economic backwardness of India was one of the major features on the eve of Independence.” Elaborate.
- DMPQ- What were the factors that worked in the drafting of the American Constitution? Do you agree the US constitution being an Economic Document?
- DMPQ- “Stone pillars, rock-cut caves and monumental figure sculptures were the important characteristics of mauryan art.” Elucidate.
- DMPQ- The Russian Revolution of 1917 was a single revolution which developed two phases. Elucidate.
- DMPQ- Any single explanation for the outbreak of the First World War likely to be too simple. An amalgam of factors contributed to this horrifying conflict of monumental propositions. – Explain.
- DMPQ- . Discuss the emergence of fascism in Italy.
- DMPQ- . “At the end of ancient phase of history Indian philosophy was divided into 6 different branches.” Elucidate.
- DMPQ- Write a critical essay on the continental system of Napoleon Bonaparte. why did it fail?
- DMPQ- . Discuss the unique features of urban infrastructure and architecture during Harappan phase.
- DMPQ- Explain the important factors responsible for French revolution.
- DMPQ- Point out the important differences between Hindustani and Carnatic music.
- DMPQ- Explain the major ideas of enlightenment movement in Europe.
- DMPQ- Write a short note about Amravati school of art.
- DMPQ- . Point out the early beginning of painting as an art in India.
- DMPQ- Give a brief description about Sangam literature.
- DMPQ- Why did congress start individual satyagrah ? Throw light on the important characteristics of individual satyagrah.
- DMPQ- Discuss the Congress resolutions of Karachi session 1931.
- DMPQ- Describe the nature of Salt Law Disobedience in different states of India.
- DMPQ- Discuss the role of Revolutionary fighters in Bengal during 1920’s.
- DMPQ- Critically evaluate the congres’s stand on the Khilafat issue.
- DMPQ- Champaran satyagrah was the first movement which showed the first glimpse of Gandhian way of protest. Elucidate.
- DMPQ- Analyze the important role played by Sardar Patel in the unification of India after independence.
- DMPQ- Critically evaluate the Montagu-Chelmsford Reforms.
- DMPQ- . What do you understand by the Nagar Style of temple Architecture? How is it different from the Dravidan Style?
- DMPQ- . Comment on the significance of Lucknow session of Indian national congress in the Indian freedom movement.
- DMPQ- State out the factors which led to the Home rule league movement in India.
- DMPQ- Discuss the important features of Morley- Minto Reforms.
- DMPQ- . Critically evaluate the new forms of struggle and their impact after Bengal partition 1905.
- DMPQ- . Comment on the approach of congress leaders during it’s moderate phase.
- DMPQ- . Throw light on important political associations before Indian national congress.
- DMPQ- Point out the major factors responsible for the growth of modern nationalism in India.
- DMPQ- Throw light on the factors giving rise to the desire for socio-religious reforms in 19th century.
- DMPQ- Critically evaluate the causes of 1857 revolt.
- DMPQ- The Industrial Revolution brought about great changes in the social and economic life of Europe. Explain.
- DMPQ- . In the early phase of British colonism Peasant Movements has religious overtones. Elucidate.
- DMPQ- . The roots of the rise of Fascism laid in Paris Peace conference. Explain.
- DMPQ- How did ‘doctrine of lapse’ play an important role in the expansion of British empire ?
- DMPQ- Analyze the provisions of the Treaty of Versailles of 1919 and examine the validity of Germany’s objections to the treaty.
- DMPQ- What was the concept of Sarvodaya plan ? Examine the it’s impact in India’s economic planning.
- DMPQ- . Discuss the major factors which made English settlements more successful than their French counterparts.
- DMPQ- Woods dispatch is known as Magna carta of English education in India.
- DMPQ- Write a short note on : • Nasik conspiracy case • Alipore conspiracy case
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