Forestry of Rajasthan

  Rajasthan is blessed with great variety of natural resources ranging from scanty vegetation in the western arid region to mixed delicious and sub-tropical evergreen forests in the east and south east of Aravali ranges. Forest cover is 32744.49 is reserved, 18222 Protected Forest 2046.75 is unclassified forest) which is about 9.57% of the total … Read more

Rajasthan: Trade and Commerce

Rajasthan: Trade and Commerce Rajasthan had inherited poorstatus in respect of development of industries. Hence, to boost up the economy of the State through planned development, both the State Government and the private sector are making sincere and dedicated efforts for speedy development of various type of  Industries, since the very beginning of five year … Read more

Rajasthan: Public Finance and fiscal Policy

Rajasthan: Public Finance and fiscal Policy Due to creation of huge liabilities in earlier years, State remains into revenue deficit and fiscal deficit also increase to 3.13 per cent of GSDP in the year 2014-15. During 2015-16, there was a revenue deficit of 5,954 crore and fiscal deficit was 9.38 per cent of GSDP (with UDAY … Read more

Rajasthan : Schemes and Projects

Rajasthan : Schemes and Projects   Rajasthan Bhamashah Yojana The state government of Rajasthan has introduced the Bhamashah Yojana and Bhamashah card to empower women. Under the scheme, the women from below poverty line (BPL) families are benefited through direct benefit transfer. The beneficiary of the scheme will get the amount directly into their bank … Read more

Rajasthan : Planned Development

Rajasthan : Planned Development Projections of resources for Twelfth Five Year Plan:- The size of the Twelfth Five Year Plan is estimated at `1,96,992 crore. A comparison of approved Annual Plans of Eleventh Plan with projections of Twelfth Plan (at current prices) will reveal that the State has estimated contribution of State’s Own Funds at … Read more

Rajasthan:  Human Development Index

Rajasthan:  Human Development Index       The prime objective of any planning and policy is to enrich human development. It represents the process of expanding people’s choices to live long, healthy, and creative lives. It is argued that the long-term patterns of economic growth do not necessarily correlate with progress in human development, therefore, … Read more

Rajasthan : Main Features of budgets

Rajasthan : Main Features of budgets      The Minister of Finance of Rajasthan, Ms. Vasundhara Raje, presented the Budget for Rajasthan for the financial year 2016-17 on March 8, 2016.   The Gross State Domestic Product of Rajasthan for 2016-17 is estimated to be Rs 7,67,167 crore. This is 13.8% higher than the estimates … Read more

Rajasthan : An introduction to  Economy

Rajasthan : An introduction to  Economy   Rajasthan, the largest (area-wise) state in India, is located in the north-western part of the subcontinent. It is surrounded on the north and north-east by Punjab, Haryana and Uttar Pradesh, on the east and south-east by Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh and on the south-west by Gujarat.   … Read more

Educational Policy of Rajasthan

Educational Policy of Rajasthan Education is a foundation for human fulfilment, sustainable development of an individual to become a responsible global citizenship. The growing importance of the knowledge economy has profound implications for the role of education as a determinant of economic growth. Recognizing the importance and interdependence of all education levels and delivery modes, … Read more