- Rajasthan, with a geographical area of 3.42 lakhsq.kms, is the largest State in the country.
- the State has beendivided into 7 divisions and 33 districts, comprising295 panchayat samities, 9,891 village panchayats,and 43,264 inhabited villages.
- As per advance estimates, the Gross StateDomestic Product (GSDP) at current prices isestimated to be `8,40,263 crore for( 8.4 lakh cr) the year2017-18 as compared to `7,59,235 crore duringthe year 2016-17, showing an increase of 10.67 percent over the previous year.
- The per capita income for the year 2017-18(advance estimates) at current prices workedout to be Rs1,00,551 as against `92,076 duringthe year 2016-17 registering an increase of9.21 per cent over the previous year.
- At present, 36 District Industries Centres and 8sub-centres are working in the state forproviding inputs and other facilities to theentrepreneurs.
- The installed capacity of power in the State ason March, 2017 was 18,677.18 MW. The totalincrease in installed capacity during the year2017-18 (upto December, 2017) is 859.59 MW.
Hence, the installed capacity as on December,2017 was 19,536.77 MW.
- Rajasthan is blessed with Maximum SolarRadiation Intensity with a very low averagerainfall. Solar Power plants of 2,258.50 MWhave been commissioned in the state uptoDecember, 2017.
- The wind energy potential in the state isestimated to be about 18,770 MW at 100 M hubheight. A total of 4,292.5 MW wind powercapacity has been established upto December,2017 in the state.
- The road density inthe state is 66.29 km per 100 sq. km.
- During the current financial year 2017-18,revenue accrued is Rs. 1,806.35 crore tillDecember, 2017 from oil and gas.
- During the year 2017-18, the total foodgrainproduction in the State is expected to be 225.82lakh tonnes as compared to production of231.04 lakh tonnes in the agricultural year2016-17, which is showing a decrease of 2.2per cent over the previous year.
- Fiscal Deficit to GSDP in2015-16 was 3.37 per centand it reduced to 3.15 percent in the year 2016-17(without uday).
- Rate of growth of revenuereceipts in 2016-17 was8.72 per cent.
- Debt & other liabilities ofGSDP in 2016-17 was25.37 per cent (withoutuday) and 33.59 per cent(with uday).
- Sector Target for Twelfth Plan for Rajasthan
- XII yr Plan Targets:
Agriculture 3.50 |
Industries 8.00 |
Services 9.50 |
Total Growth Rate 7.70 |
- GFCF in 2016-17 is 29.41 percent of the GSDP at current
- RAJ share of GDP as compared to India is of 5.05%. It is on rise.
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