Populations of Haryana
- As per details from Census 2011, Haryana has population of 2.54 Crores, an increase from figure of 2.11 Crore in 2001 census.
- Total population of Haryana as per 2011 census is 25,351,462 of which male and female are 13,494,734 and 11,856,728 respectively.
- In 2001, total population was 21,144,564 in which males were 11,363,953 while females were 9,780,611.
- The total population growth in this decade was 19.90 percent while in previous decade it was 28.06 percent.
- The population of Haryana forms 2.09 percent of India in 2011. In 2001, the figure was 2.06 percent
Haryana Population Data for 2011 (According to Census)
S. No | Topic/Subject | Fact/Data |
1 | Number of Districts | 21 |
2 | Area in Sq. Kms. | 44,212 |
3 | Total Population Persons Males Females | 2,53,53,081 1,35,05,130 1,18,47,951 |
4 | Decadal Population Growth 2001-2011 Absolute Percentage | 42,08,517 19.90 |
5 | Population Density (per Sq.km) | 573 |
6 | Sex Ratio | 877 |
7 | Literacy rate (%) Total Males Females | 76.64 85.38 66.77 |
8 | 0-6 Population Persons Males Females Percentage of 0-6 Population to Total Population Sex Ratio (0-6 years) | 32,97,724 18,02,047 14,95,677 13.01 830 |
The relationships among land use, population growth, and consumption in Haryana,
- Haryana a landlocked state in northwest India.
- It borders on the states of Uttar Pradesh in the east, Himachal Pradesh in the northeast, Punjab in the north, and Rajasthan in the west, and the territory of Delhi in the south. With a geographical area of 44,212 square kilometers and a population of 16.5 million in 1991, Haryana constitutes 1.3 percent of India’s geographical area and 1.9 percent of its population.
- The capital of Haryana, Chandigarh, is shared by the neighboring state of Punjab.
- Haryana experienced a low population growth rate throughout the first half of the twentieth century, but it is currently contributing to India’s population expansion by an annual growth rate of 2.5 percent.
- In fact, Haryana is one of the fastest-growing states in India, despite its relatively high per capita income and commendable economic progress.
- In 1991 Haryana’s total population was 16.5 million, or about 2 percent of India’s 850 million people.
- The population of Haryana tripled over the period 1951–1991, from 5.6 million to 16.5 million. Although the annual growth rate has declined from 2.85 percent for the period 1951–1971 to 2.47 percent for the period 1971–1991, the latter growth rate is still much greater than the national annual growth rate of 2.17 percent for the same period.
- The rapid decline in mortality in the last half-century is commonly ascribed to improvements in nutrition and sanitation in some urban areas and better health care.
- Haryana’s crude annual birth rate for the period 1991–1996 was 31.9 per thousand persons compared with 29.2 for India.
- Its death rate for the same period was 8.6 per thousand persons, which is lower than the national average of 9.8.
- Combining these rates results in a natural growth rate for 1991–1996 of 23.3 per thousand persons for Haryana compared with 19.4 for India.
- Life expectancy at birth in Haryana is 59.5 years for females, 61.5 years for males.
- The state ranks third among the major states in life expectancy for males, after Kerala (65.9 years) and Punjab (63 years).
- Its life expectancy for females, however, is unimpressive; Haryana ranks eighth among the major states.
- The increase in population has led to greater population density, because the land area remains unchanged.
- The population density of Haryana rose from 227 persons per square kilometer in 1971 to 372 in 1991, an increase of 64 percent.
- This density is much higher than the 1991 national average of 257 persons per square kilometer.
- Although the rate of increase of population density has been declining since the 1950s, it is projected to rise in the twenty-first century—to as high as 455 persons per square kilometer in the year 2001 and 530 by the year 2011.
Haryana Urbanization
- Haryana has shown a positive growth pattern since its formation years. However, it has also led to rapid urbanisation as per the global trend.
- Urban growth has increased much after state formation in 1966. In the 1981 Census, urban population touched 22% and as per the 1991 Census, it increased to around 25%.
- The establishment of Haryana Urban Development Authority (HUDA) also promoted the process of urbanisation as it launched new industrial projects and developed residential sectors in some districts.
- This led to urbanization figures reaching 28.92% in 2001 and touching 34.79% in the 2011 Census.
- As per the 2011 Census, Faridabad is the most urbanised district (79.44%) followed by Gurgaon (68.82%), Panchkula (54.87%), Panipat (45.47%) on account of industrial development, strategic location, administrative function and close proximity to NCR.
National Population Policy
- As per the latest World Population Prospects released by United Nations (revision 2015), the estimated population of India will be 1419 million approximately whereas China’s population will be approximately 1409 million, by 2022.
- In spite of the perceptible decline in Total Fertility Rate (TFR) from 3.6 in 1991 to 2.3 in 2013, India is yet to achieve replacement level of 2.1.
- Twenty four states/UTs have already achieved replacement level of TFR by 2013, while states like UP and Bihar with large population base still have TFR of 3.1 and 3.4 respectively.
- The other states like Jharkhand (TFR 2.7), Rajasthan (TFR 2.8), Madhya Pradesh (TFR 2.9), and Chhattisgarh (TFR 2.6) continue to have higher levels of fertility and contribute to the growth of population.
- The National Population Policy 2000 is uniformly applicable to the whole country. In pursuance of this policy, Government has taken a number of measures under Family Planning Programme and as a result, Population Growth Rate in India has reduced substantially which is evident from the following:-
- The percentage decadal growth rate of the country has declined significantly from 21.5% for the period 1991-2001 to 17.7% during 2001-2011.
- Total Fertility Rate (TFR) was 3.2 at the time when National Population Policy, 2000 was adopted and the same has declined to 2.3 as per Sample registration Survey (SRS) 2013 conducted by the Registrar General of India.
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