Rajasthani Languages & Literature

  Rajasthani Languages Evolution of rajasthani languages from Shaurseni Prakrit Saureni Prakrit is then developed into:-          Gurjar in western region          Shaurseni in eastern region (Apram bhasha)   Gurjar-          Maru Gurjar or old Rajasthani          its common language of Rajasthan and Gujrat          1st work was Bhrateshwar Bahubali Ghor by Vajrasensuri in 1168 … Read more


Public Finance Public finance is the study of the role of the government in the economy. It is the branch of economics which assesses the government revenue and government expenditure of the public authorities and the adjustment of one or the other to achieve desirable effects and avoid undesirable ones. It includes the study of … Read more


Chemical equilibrium Chemical equilibrium is a state in which the rates of the forward and reverse reactions are equal and the concentrations of the reactants and products remain constant. Equilibrium is a dynamic process i.e. the conversions of reactants to products and products to reactants are still going on, although there is no net change … Read more

Social and Cultural Awakening

  Raja Rammohan Roy: RRM Roy was a social reformer and intellectual in the early nineteenth century Bengal. He is most widely known for founding the Brahmo Samaj and his relentless campaign against the practice of Sati and child marriage. Debendranath Tagore: Brahmo Samaj: BS was founded in 1828 by Raja Ram Mohan Roy with … Read more

Geographical condition and distribution of major crops, like,Rice, Wheat,Cotton, Jute, Sugarcane, Rubber, Tea and Coffee

  Rice The rice is cultivated on the largest areas in India. Historians believe that while the indica variety of rice was first domesticated in the area covering the foothills of the Eastern Himalayas (i.e. north-eastern India).Rice is a nutritional staple food which provides instant energy as its most important component is carbohydrate (starch). Rice … Read more

Sanskar Vyavastha

Sanskar Vyavastha Samskaras is a prescribed set of observances, a religious ceremony or act regarded as an outward and visible sign of inward or spiritual. Ancient Sanskrit literature texts, such as Raghuvamsha, Kumarsambhava, Abhijnan -Shakuntal, Hitopadesha and Manu Smruti, samskara is used to mean: education, cultivation, training, refinement, perfection, grammatical purity, polishing, embellishment, decoration, a … Read more

World Trade Organization


  • What is WTO? Structure? Agreeements?
  • Rounds of WTO
  • Doha Development Round
  • India’s role in WTO
  • India’s proposals to WTO
  • Trade in Goods
    • Agriculture
    • NAMA
    • Rules
    • SPS
    • TBT
  • Trade in Services
    • GATS
  • Intellectual Property (TRIPS)
  • Dispute settlement
  • Development
    • Trade and Development
    • Aid for Trade
    • Special & Differential Treatment
  • Environment
    • Trade and Environment
  • Trade facilitation
  • Other issues
    • E-Commerce
    • Competition policy
    • Investment
    • Government Procurement
    • Accession

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POULTRY FARMING (SILVER REVOLUTION) IN INDIA practice of raising poultry, such as chickens, turkeys, ducks, geese, as a subcategory of animal husbandry, for the purpose of farming meat or eggs for food. requires small capital and provides additional income and job opportunities to a large number of rural population in the shortest possible time. The … Read more

Modern Period – Later Mughals

    1707-12 Bahadur Shah I 1712-13 Jahandar Shah 1713-19 Farukk Siyar 1719-48 Muhammad Shah Rangila 1748-54 Ahmad Shah 1754-59 Alamgir II 1759-1806 Shah Alam II 1806-1837 Akbar Shah II 1837-57 Bahadur Shah II     Later Mughal Rulers Bahadur Shah I After the death of Aurangzeb, prince Muazzam, Azam & Kam Bakhsh fought in … Read more