- DMPQ-Briefly describe photonics. Also mention the need of photonics.
- DMPQ-. Give a brief description about Bio-piracy with examples.
- DMPQ-What is hydroponics? Mention the important factors necessary for successful practice of hydroponics.
- DMPQ-. Describe the basic concept of Cloning. Also mention the potential drawbacks of applications of Cloning.
- DMPQ- Point out the major components and applications of biometric system.
- DMPQ- Briefly describe the stem cell. Mention the characteristics of Stem cells.
- DMPQ- Explain the potential disadvantages of Transgenic crops.
- DMPQ- What are Transgenic crops ? Explain how transgenic crops have the potential to end the food security crisis.
- DMPQ- Discuss the process of regulation of Genetically modified (GM) foods in India.
- DMPQ- . Discuss the Applications of Biotechnology in live stock and animal husbandry.
- DMPQ- . Explain how Biotechnology can play significant role in the conservation of Bio diversity and environment.
- DMPQ- Explain the role of Bioremediation in environment friendly waste disposal process.
- DMPQ- Briefly describe the DNA Fingerprinting. Discuss the important sectors where DNA fingerprinting is being applied.
- DMPQ- What is the purpose of DNA technology (Use and Application) regulation bill, 2018 ? Throw light on the salient features of the bill.
- DMPQ- Explain how gene therapy can impact the future of humans.
- DMPQ- What is Human Genome Project ? Discuss the potential applications of it.
- DMPQ- Explain the concept of mitochondrial gene therapy. Discuss how it can play important role in health sector.
- DMPQ- . What is the concept of Metagenomics? Discuss the potential applications of it.
- DMPQ- What are yamanaka genes. Explain their role in our body.
- DMPQ-. Discuss some of the important tools and technologies of biotechnology.
- DMPQ-How bio-diesel can solve India’s problems of energy and pollution.
- DMPQ-Briefly discuss all three stages of India’s Nuclear power program.
- DMPQ-Discuss how space can solve world’s energy problems.
- DMPQ-. What is the concept of smart grid in power sector ? Why it is important for India?
- DMPQ- . How does nuclear agriculture benefits different aspects of Agriculture?
- DMPQ- What are Radioisotopes? Point out their industrial applications.
- DMPQ- . Discuss the significance of India’s ‘Make in India’ Programme in defence sector. Also mention the challenges In Indigenous Defence Manufacturing.
- DMPQ- What is MTCR (Missile technology control regime) ? What advantages India have after becoming it’s member ?
- DMPQ- Briefly describe the Ayush systems of Healthcare.
- DMPQ- . Give a brief description of Indian ballistic missile defense system.
- DMPQ- . Explain Integrated guided missile development programme ( IGMDP). How it has played an important role in India’s defence
- DMPQ- . Describe the different types of missile systems on the basis of their delivery.
- DMPQ- .How space technology is playing important role in India’s socio-economic development.
- DMPQ- . What are the future economic implications of moon missions.
- DMPQ- What is AVATAR (Aerobic vehicle for hypersonic aerospace transportation) ? Discuss it’s signicance in boosting India’s defence.
- DMPQ- Point out the important socio-economic applications of recently launched GSAT-30 satellite.
- DMPQ- Describe the different variants of PSLV (Polar satellite launch vehicle).
- DMPQ- What is GPS (Global positioning system)? How is India’s IRNSS ( Indian regional navigational satellite system is different from GPS?
- DMPQ- . Point out the differences between cryogenic engine and semi-cryogenic engine.
- DMPQ- . Discuss the changes brought by new space com policy 2020 .
- DMPQ- What is 3D printing ? Explain the need of the government policy for 3D printing.
- DMPQ- Give the brief description of India’s INSAT (Indian national satellite system) Program.
- DMPQ- “India’s remote sensing satellite system has important role in it’s development.” Elucidate.
- DMPQ- Bring out the significance of ISRO’s successful launch of scramjet technology.
- DMPQ- What is Reusable launch vehicle ? Trace the development of India’s reusable launch technology .
- DMPQ- What is GSLV-5 rocket ? point out it’s significance for India’s Space missions.
- DMPQ- Give a brief description of Chandrayan-2 mission. Mention why it did not complete it’s goal.
- DMPQ-What is Ayushman Bharatyojna ? Discuss how it can change India’s health sector.
- DMPQ- Discuss the major cyber security challenges of India.
- DMPQ- How India’s technological dependence on foreign countries pose a serious challenge for India security.
- DMPQ- . Discuss the status of Block Chain Technology in India.
- DMPQ- Discuss the importance of NATGRID and the areas where it needs improvements.
- DMPQ- Describe India’s institutional framework for cybersecurity.
- DMPQ- Discuss the major challenges in securing communication networks.
- DMPQ- What is Energy monitor technology?
- DMPQ- What are the Pillars and effective implementation of digital India.
- DMPQ- NAG Missile
- DMPQ- Mission shakti
- DMPQ-What do you understand by the term Gravitational Lensing?
- DMPQ- What are the different Steps of photosynthesis?
- DMPQ- Vaishvik Bhartiya Vaigyanik (VAIBHAV) Summit
- DMPQ- RAISE 2020- ‘Responsible AI for Social Empowerment 2020,’
- DMPQ- List out the common Properties of paints.
- DMPQ- What are the components of Components of Remote Sensing System?
- DMPQ- What are the General principles of food safety? How can India ensure food safety for it growing population?
- DMPQ- Successfull flight tests of Hypersonic Technology Demonstrator Vehicle was the need of the hour for India. Justify.
- DMPQ- Differentiate between Symbiotic and paracitic nutrition
- DMPQ- Explain Reflex action with examples.
- DMPQ- Pradhan Mantri Bhartiya Janaushadhi Priyojana (PMBJP)
- DMPQ- List out the main Application of radioactivity.
- DMPQ- Indiscriminate use of Pesticides has caused a lot term effect on Human Health. What are the Alternatives to pesticides ?
- DMPQ- How can the events such as Smart India Hackathon 2020 help in developing the entrepreneurship in India?
- DMPQ- Differentiate between Radio and Microwave transmission.
- DMPQ- What are the Components of personal hygiene and it’s relation with health
- DMPQ- What are the different Types of Artificial Intelligence?
- DMPQ- Tribal Health & Nutrition Portal – ‘Swasthya’
- DMPQ- Explain the Amplitude and Wavelength of sound wave.
- DMPQ- Evaluate the need of Fit India Youth Clubs in contemporary India.
- DMPQ-What do you understand by the term data sovereignty.
- DMPQ-Discuss the status of Pharmaceutical sector in India.
- DMPQ- Discuss the effect of COVID-19 on Hospitality Industry.
- DMPQ- Convalescent plasma therapy
- DMPQ- RT PCR method
- DMPQ-Government has announced a new organisation IN-SPACe, a part of reforms. Discuss the impact of establishment of such organisation.
- DMPQ-Maha Navy Connect 2020.
- DMPQ-Light Combat Aircraft.
- DMPQ-VAJRA scheme
- DMPQ-Comment on the Public health care system in India.
- DMPQ- Saras Mk2
- DMPQ- What is a digital signature?
- DMPQ- Dargaon Fly mission:
- DMPQ- Write a short note on endocrine system.( Science)
- DMPQ- Recently RNA interference was in the news, what do you understand by the term RNAi and write down its application?
- DMPQ-What is dry sorbent Injection Technique.
- DMPQ-What is the working Principle behind the working of Pressure cooker
- DMPQ- What is carbon date and How they are useful?
- DMPQ- Agent Smith was recently in the news. What is Agent smith?
- DMPQ- Antibiotic resistance is accelerated by the misuse and overuse of antibiotics, as well as poor infection prevention and control. Suggest ways to prevent the rise of antibiotic resistance.
- DMPQ-CNTs have unique thermal and mechanical properties that make them intriguing for the development of new materials. Discuss
- DMPQ- Write a short note on Central Drug standard control organisation.
- DMPQ- What are stem cells? What are the different types of stem cells and how they are utilised to treat cancer?
- DMPQ- What do you understand by the term Zigzag Technology?
- DMPQ- Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy.
- DMPQ- Write a short note on Industrial Information System.
- DMPQ- Differentiate between deep web and dark web.
- DMPQ- The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) is planning the inaugural flight of its indigenously developed Small Satellite Launch Vehicle (SSLV). What is SSLV and How SSLV is different from PSLV?
- DMPQ- What is the difference between LIDAR and RADAR?
- DMPQ-Write a short note on GM Mustard.
- DMPQ-Write down the salient features of National Biofuel Policy.
- DMPQ- What are key outcomes of the National Health Profile?
- DMPQ-What do you mean by quantum supremacy and how it is going to be beneficial in our quest for prowess in Information and Technology.
- DMPQ-Discuss the functioning of Fuel cell and how it is going the serve the problem of energy deficiency and climate change.
- DMPQ- Write a short note on Project Beehive.
- DMPQ- Write a short note on Foot and mouth disease
- DMPQ- What do you understand by ELASTOCALORIC effect?
- DMPQ- Write down the salient features of DNA Technology regulation bill, 2019?
- DMPQ- What is S-400 system and how it is going to be beneficial For India?
- DMPQ- National Animal disease control Programme.
- DMPQ- Write a short note on NISAR.
- DMPQ- Difference between totipotent and pluripotent Cells
- DMPQ- What do you understand by the term Super Earth?
- DMPQ: Write down the difference between antigen and antibodyand their role in vaccine development.
- DMPQ: Explain PCR Process and the application of it to diagnose the COVID-19
- DMPQ- In the wake of COVID-19, failure of world leaders and institution is blatantly visible. Comment
- DMPQ- Write a short note on deep sea mission?
- DMPQ- Write a short note on Internet saathi.
- DMPQ: What is deepfake technology?
- DMPQ: What is microdot technology? What are its application.
- DMPQ: What is regulatory sandbox and How it is beneficial?
- DMPQ-What do you understand by quantum technology? What are the application?
- DMPQ- WHO listed Vaccine hesitancy as among top 10 threats to global health this year. What do you mean by Vaccine hesitancy.
- DMPQ-Write a short note on Thirty Meter Telescope.
- DMPQ-Explain the functioning of face recognition software.
- DMPQ- Differentiated between Virus and bacteria.
- DMPQ- CONVID-19 has caused a fall in production and decline in demand. Comment on the economic uncertainty due to CONVID-19.
- DMPQ- What do you mean by genome sequencing? What are its application.
- DMPQ- Write a short note on the Aggregate Technical and Commercial losses ( AT & C) and smart meters
- DMPQ- World is facing the wrath of COVID-19. Provide the effective solutions to deal with the deadly diseases.
- DMPQ- Artificial intelligence is the next big thing and can bring transformational changes in Digital Infrastructure. Comment
- DMPQ- What do you mean : • In vitro fertilisation • Assistive Reproductive technology
- DMPQ-What do you understand by the following term: a) Axis of Evil b) Golden crescent c) Golden triangle
- DMPQ-Salient features of data protection bill 2019.
- DMPQ-Write down the salient features of National medical commission Act, 2019.
- DMPQ-Explain the science behind the goal line technology.
- DMPQ-Explain the concept behind the working hot spot technology.
- DMPQ-Explain the functioning behind the working of dialysis machine.
- DMPQ- What do you understand by the term Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things?
- DMPQ- What are e cigarette? Why government recently put a blanket ban on e cigarettes?
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