Guess Questions:-
- Astrosat
- Ballistic Missile
- Rafale
- Carbon Nano Tube
- Bio remediation
- Wide Area Network
- DNA Finger Printing
- Naxavar Dispute
- Doping
- 2nd Generation Vaccine
- Bio Diesel
- Forensics Science technology
- What is shale gas and write the methods of extraction of Gas.
- Write the use of Robot in industry.
- Write the name of agriculture research institutions in Rajasthan
- What is super conductivity and write applications
- What is digital signature
- Geosynchronous satellite launching vehicle
- Aakash missile
- Recombinant DNA Technology .
- What is biometric System.
- What is Copyright rules in India.
- What is 3D Printing and write the Application.
- Write the Application of Bio technology in Agriculture field.
- Describe the methods use for food preservation.
- Describe the role of Russia in development of defence Technology in India.
- Mars orbitor mission is the Great Achievement of ISRO in space field Explain it.
- Write the Application of Nano technology
- What is e-Governance, Describe the aim, Procedure and problem related to the e-governance?
- Describe the importance of science and technology in development of India.
Other Important Terms
- Parsec
- Light year
- Metric System
- Crescograph
- Radar
- Quantum Mechanics
- Tribology
- Bhramgupt
- Escape Velocity
- Raman Effect
- Mirage
- Myopia
- Hyper Metropia
- Rheostat
- Rectifier
- Transmitter
- Nuclear Fusion
- Nuclear Fission
- Cyclotron
- C-14
- Thorium
- Uranium Dating
- Heavy Water
- Solar Battery
- Radioactive Substances
- Tarapur
- Kalpakkam
- The Analytical Engine
- Colossus
- Computer Virus
- Aryabhat
- Black Box
- Barak
- Cryogenics
- Nag
- Astra
- Tachyon
- Prithvi Missile
- German Silver
- Plaster of Paris (POP)
- Shorya
- Hansa
- Indra
- MatSat
- AT&T
- Positron
- Neutrino
- Quark
- Phonon
- Alpha Particle
- Graphite
- Dry Ice
- Laughing Gas
- pH
- Helium
- Mustard Gas
- Teflon
- Cholesterol
- Aspirin
- Carbonic Acid
- Lactic Acid
- Citric Acid
- Acetic Acid
- Euro Standards
- Zinc Oxides
- Amoeba
- Joules
- Richter Scale
- Water jet Technique
- Chandrashekhar
- CV Raman
- Newton
- Weightlessness
- Hydraulic Breaks
- Holography
- Optical Fibers
- Primary Colours
- Diffraction
- Total Internal Reflection
- Cylindrical Lens
- Colour Spectrum
- Black Hole
- Mach Number
- Dynamo’s
- Internet
- Tim Burner
- Search Engine
- Integrated Circuits
- Geostationary Satellites
- Cryogenics
- Cryogenic
- Prithvi 2
- Agni 2
- Ozone Layer
- Raja Rammana
- Arjun
- Brahmos
- Dakshin Gangotri
- Isotopes
- Physical Changes
- Chemical Changes
- Pasteurization
- Freezing Mixture
- Fog
- Smog
- Sublimate
- Bauxite
- Types of Coal
- Tear Gas
- Hard Water
- Acid Rain
- Green House Effect
- Fullerene
- Alcohol
- Polymerization
- Polethene
- Rubber
- Benzoic Acid
- Thyroxin
- Carbon Mono Oxide
- Gasohol
- Detergents
- Soaps
- Carbon Trading
- Paleobotany
- Gerontology
- Pedology
- Archaeopteryx
- Mutation Theory
- Lamarck
- Dinasaurs
- Natural Selection
- Cheeta
- Cro-Magron
- Darwin
- Whale
- Dolphin
- Amphibia
- Octopus
- Tics
- Mites
- Spider
- Casein
- Vitamin K
- Haemophilia
- Turmeric
- Saffron
- Cloves
- Cork
- Garlic
- Silk Worm
- Quinine
- Dialysis
- Seal
- Nocturnal Animals
- Ecological Niche
- Solar Energy
- Virus
- Bacteria
- Epiphytes
- Phenylketonuria
- Insulin
- Jaundice
- Malaria
- Jumping Gene
- Dolly
- Azotobacter
- Tuberculosis
- Biodiesel
- Morphine
- Sex Chromosome
- Gene Synthesis
- Protein Synthesis
- Carotene
- Human Chromosome
- Orthoplasty
- Near Sightedness
- Cornea
- Long Sightedness
- Blood Pressure
- Limphocytes
- Universal Donor
- Universal Acceptor
- Blood Clotting
- Antigens
- Liver
- Rafflesia
- Photosynthesis
- Lichen
- Micro Nutrients
- Vitamin D
- Night Blindness
- Enzymes
- Kwashiorkor
- Oxytocin
- Adrenaline
- Thyroxin
- Astrogin
- Insulin
- Master Gland
- Acetelene
- Formic Acid
- Computed Tomography
- Guniea Worm
- Cuscuta
- Cancer
- Anthrophobia
- Hysteria
- DPT Vaccine
- Alzheimer
- Polio Vaccine
- Athlete’s Foot
- Ronald Ross
- Rhinovirus
- Down Syndrome
- White Rust
- Black Rust
- Allergy
- Plague
- Sleeping Sickness
- 2,4-D
- Small Pox
- Elephantiasis
- Colour Blindness
- ELISA Test
- Bright’s Disease
- Foot and Mouth Disease
- Thalassemia
- Green Revolution
- Tyrosine
- liver fluke
- Dropsy
- BT Gene
- Terminator Seeds
- Golden Rice
- DNA Finger Printing
- Transgenic
- Role of CSIR in Scientific development.
- Nuclear Reactors
- Nuclear Energy
1- Unified Extensible Filmware Interface(UEFI) 2010. 2
2- Generic Medicine 2010. 2
3- K-4 Missiles 2010. 2
4- Subrahmanayam Chandrashekar 2010. 2
5- Biological Clock 2008. 2
6- Eugenics 2008. 2
7- Isotopes 2008. 2
8- Transgenic crops 2008. 2
9- GENE 2008. 2
10- Eutrofication 2008. 4
11- What is Environment Impact Assesment? Answer in Detail 2008. 6
12- Tell about by products of Petroleum 2008. 6
13- WiFi Technology 2007. 2
14- Petrology 2007 2
15- Meningitis 2007. 2
16- What is Red Bio Technology? 2007 4
17- What do you mean by 3G Technique? 2007 4
18- What do you mean by ecological degradation?2007 4
19- What are the main features of a green fuel?2007 4
20- What is DNA Finger Printing? Explain?2007 4
21- Cybernetics 2003. 2
22- Haemophillia 2003. 2
23- Paran Padam 2003. 2
24- Satish Dhavan 2003. 2
25- How tobacco is harmful to the health & society? Give ways to control its harmful effects 2003. 6
26- How satellites are usefull in the growth and development of communication infrastructure and environment 2003? 6
27- Congentric C.L.P 2003. 2
28- Earth Day 2003. 2
29- A.T.M. 2003 2
30- Hubble. 2003 2
31- Define Social Medical Science. 2003 4
32- Explain Global Warming. 2003 4
33- Define and Explain “Skin” 2003 4
34- Explain Information super highway. 2003 4
35- Explain the use of Chemo Therapy and Radio Therapy in Cancer. 2003 6
36- Explain Languages of Computer:- BASIC,COBOL,PASCAL and Computer Virus.2003 6
37- What is the use of scientific instrument called Creseography? 1999 2
38- Who invented the following- (a)Sewing Machine (b)Pneumatic Tyre. 1999 2
39- What is the difference between a mixture and a compound?1999 4
40- What are ecological studies and why have they become important in recent times?1999 4
41- Hydrophonics.1997 2
42- Difference between Coal and Coke.1997 2
43- Why do we have nose bleeding while scaling high altitudes?1997 2
44- Cybernetics.1997 2
45- Eco- Tourism.1997 4
46- What is Osteomalacia?1997 4
47- Integrated Service Digital Network(INDS) 1997. 4
48- Write a brief note on Wildlife and Forest Conservation. 1997 6
49- Trace the progress of Space Research in India since the 1960’s. 1997 6
50- What are the essentials of Food and what is a balanced diet? 1997 6
51- Science of Cryogenics and Ecology. 1996 2
52- Green House Effect. 1996 2
53- Optical Fibre. 1996 2
54- Anemometer. 1996 2
55- Richter Scale. 1996 2
56- Environmental Degradation. 1996 4
57-(a)The Internet (b) ISRO(Indian Space Research Organisation). 1996 4
58- Tissue Culture. 1994 2
59- Carbon Dating. 1994 2
60- Why does ice floats on water but sinks in alchol?1994 2
61- What are natural and man made fibres?1994 4
62- Briefly describe Satellite Communication.1994 4
63- Describe various Petroleum products and their uses.1994 6
64- Write a short note on wildlife and their preservation in Rajasthan.1994 6
65- Sericulture. 1991 2
66- Tide. 1991 2
67- Laser 1991. 2
68- Vitamins 1991. 2
69- Computer 1991. 4
70- Bacteria and Virus 1991. 4
71-(a)Whay are cloudy nights warmer? (b) Why water pipes bursts in extremely cold weather? 1991 4
72- Shooting star. 1991 2
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