Haryana: economics current affairs
Haryana is among the northern most states in India and adjacent to national capital Delhi. It is surrounded by Uttar Pradesh in the east, Punjab in the west, Himachal Pradesh in the north and Rajasthan in the south. The state surrounds the national capital city, New Delhi, from three sides. Historically an agrarian state, Haryana today is a well-developed industrial state.
Per capita income of state
The per capita income of the State at constant (2011-12) prices as per Advance Estimates is expected to reach at the level of 1,54,587 during 2017-18 as against 1,45,163 in 2016-17, indicating an increase of 6.5 percent during 2017-18. At current prices, the State per capita income is likely to reach the level of 1,96,982 during 2017-18 as compared to that of 1,78,890 in 2016-17, showing an increase of 10.1 percent during 2017-18. It is also observed that the per capita income of the State, at both current and constant prices, is higher as compared to the National per capita income.
Agriculture sector
The Agriculture Sector has always been an important contributor to the Gross State Domestic Product (GSDP). However, as a consequence of rapid structural transition of the State economy over the years, the contribution of the Agriculture & Allied Sector at constant (2011-12) prices went down to only 17.6 percent of the GSVA during the year 2017-18.
Industrial growth
The Provisional Estimates for 2015-16 indicate that Industry Sector in the State recorded the growth of 10.5 percent. As per Quick Estimates for 2016-17, the GSVA for Industry Sector has been recorded as ` 1,24,071.63 crore as against the Provisional Estimates of ` 1,17,201.18 crore in 2015-16 recording a growth of 5.9 percent. As per the Advance Estimates for 2017-18, the GSVA from Industry Sector is estimated to be ` 1,33,671.67 crore recording a growth of 7.7 percent over the previous year.
The General IIP with 2004-05 as base year increased from 184.0 in 2013-14 to 194.8 in 2014-15, registering an increase of 5.9 percent. The IIP of Manufacturing Sector increased from 177.8 in 2013-14 to 187.6 in 2014-15, exhibiting a growth of 5.5 percent over the previous year. The IIP of Electricity Sector indicated a growth of 9.0 percent as it rose from 252.7 in 2013-14 to 275.4 in 2014-15.
The IIP of Basic Goods Industries like scrap, iron/steel, cold rolled sheets, pipes & tubes, stainless steel, high carbon steel, stainless steel, strip, plets, sheet etc. increased to 226.4 in 2014-15 recording an increase of 5.5 percent.
The IIP of Consumer Goods Industries decreased from 170.4 in 2013-14 to 164.3 in 2014-15, showing a decrease of 3.6 percent. The Index of Consumer Durable Goods Industries like poles & posts of concrete, helmet, safety, tyre, cab/car, fan ceiling etc. is almost same i.e. 187.1 in 2013-14 and 187.2 in 2014-15, indicating a change of only 0.1 percent over the previous year.
Growth of service sector
The importance of the Services Sector can be gauged by looking at its contribution to different aspects of the economy. The share of Services Sector in the Gross State Value Added (GSVA) at constant (2011-12) prices has increased to 50.9 percent in 2017-18. The rise in the Services Sector’s share in GSVA marks a structural shift in the State economy and takes it closer to the fundamentals of a developed economy. During the period of 11th Five Years Plan, the Services Sector grew at the average annual growth rate of 12.2 percent. This growth rate of Service Sector was significantly faster than the average annual growth recorded for combined Agriculture and Industry Sectors during this period. The growth of Service Sector GSVA has been continuously above the overall growth during this period. It has also been more stable than the growth of other two sectors. The above trend of faster and comparatively stable growth of Service Sector as compared to other two sectors also remained on the same path during the period of 12th Plan (2012-17) and thereafter.
Trade, Repair, Hotels & Restaurants: The growth of this sector in 2014-15 and 2015-16 has been recorded as 12.1 and 13.2 percent, respectively. As per the Quick Estimates of 2016-17, the growth of this sector has been recorded as 9.3 percent. As per the Advance Estimates for 2017-18, the growth of this sub-sector is likely to be 9.4 percent.
Transport, Storage & Communication: The growth of this sector in 2014-15 and 2015-16 has been recorded as 12.0 and 10.4 percent, respectively. As per the Quick Estimates of 2016-17, the growth of this sector has been recorded as 10.1 percent. As per the Advance Estimates for 2017-18, the growth of this sub-sector is likely to be 9.8 percent.
Finance, Real Estate and Professional Services: This sub-sector recorded the growth of 7.8 percent, 8.3 percent and 7.3 percent in 2014-15, 2015-16 and 2016-17 respectively. As per the Advance Estimates for 2017-18, this sub-sector is likely to achieve the growth of 9.1 percent.
Fiscal deficit
As per the mandate of the 14th Finance Commission, the fiscal deficit target was set at 3 percent of Gross State Domestic Product (GSDP) for its award period i.e. 2015-16 to 2019-20. As per the BE for 2017-18, fiscal deficit is projected at ` 16,155 crore (without UDAY), constituting 2.61 percent of GSDP which is well within the stipulated limits. Similarly, Debt to GSDP ratio is estimated at 18.74 percent (without UDAY) in BE 2017-18 as against the prescribed limit of 25 percent. The total Revenue Receipts (TRR) as percentage of GSDP has increased from 11.02 percent in RE 2016-17 to 11.12 percent in BE 2017-18. The percentage of State’s Own Tax Revenue to GSDP has also increased from 6.91 percent in RE 2016-17 to 7.01 percent in BE 2017-18.
Tax Revenue of the state
2.6 The break-up of tax revenue reveals that sales tax is the major source of tax revenue and it is estimated at ` 30,500 crore in 2017-18 (BE) as compared to ` 26,400 crore in 2016-17 (RE). Sales tax is estimated to increase by 15.53 percent in 2017-18 (BE) over 2016-17 (RE). The contribution in tax revenue from State excise is estimated at ` 6,100 crore in 2017-18 (BE) as compared to ` 5,251.58 crore in 2016-17 (RE) showing an increase of 16.16 percent in 2017-18 (BE) over 2016-17 (RE). The contribution in tax revenue from stamps and registration is estimated at ` 3,900 crore in 2017-18 (BE) as compared to `3,500 crore in 2016-17(RE).
[BE –Budgetary estimates, RE- Revised estimates]
Institutional finance of the state
Institutional Finance is essential for any development programme. The role of the State Government has been to persuade the banking institutions to give greater importance to the agricultural and allied sector, particularly for poverty alleviation programmes. The Institutional Finance available through Commercial, Cooperative Banks and other term lending institutions reduces pressure on the budgetary resources of the State Government.
The total number of Commercial Banks (CBs) and Regional Rural Banks (RRBs) branches working in the State as on September, 2017 was 4,708. The total deposits of CBs and RRBs increased to ` 3,19,469 crore in September, 2017. Similarly total advances in the State increased to ` 2,10,193 crore in September, 2017. Credit-Deposit (CD) Ratio is a significant indicator of credit flow for accelerating economic development of the State. The CD Ratio in the State has slightly decreased to 66 percent in September, 2017 as compared to 73 percent during the corresponding period of last year.
Revolving Cash Credit Scheme & Deposit Guarantee Scheme
For the benefit of farmers, 12.37 lakh Kisan Credit Cards have been issued till December, 2017.To meet all types of loan requirement of the farmers for non-agricultural purposes a limit upto ` 7 lakh is being provided under Revolving Cash Credit Scheme. In the interest of rural inhabitants, a Deposit Guarantee Scheme for PACS has been implemented from 1.11.2005. Under this scheme, deposit upto ` 50,000 of the members are guaranteed by the bank.
In order to streamline the process of sanctioning of various new posts demanded by various departments including those by way of surrender of some existing posts, E-Post sanctioning module was introduced all over the State w.e.f. 23.5.2014 and now all department has been given the facility to send the proposal of creation of posts through this system. Existing strength has been entered in this system by all departments.
Swarna Jayanti Haryana Institute for Fiscal Management
The State Government has set up a Swarna Jayanti Haryana Institute for Fiscal Management in the State. Haryana is one of the few States that have prepared their own Vision 2030 Document, based on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), with the assistance of UNDP. The Vision Document highlights key focus areas, current interventions and pertinent milestones to be achieved by the State, under each of the SDG goals, by the year 2030. As a NEXT STEP, aggressive efforts are being made by the State to design a detailed action plan to implement the SDGs, align the budget allocation with SDG goals, prepare outcome based budget and monitor implementation through a comprehensive list of global as well as national indicators. For this purpose, the State Government has initiated the process to establish an SDG Coordination Centre (SDGCC), in the Planning Department under Swarna Jayanti Haryana Institute for Fiscal Management.
Area Under Principal Crops in the state
The gross area sown in the State during 1966-67 was 45.99 lakh hectare. However, during 2016-17 the gross area sown in the State was likely to be 65.78 lakh hectare. The contribution of area under wheat and paddy crops to the total gross area sown in the State was 59.97 percent during 2016-17. The area under wheat crop was 25.58 lakh hectare during 2016-17. The area under paddy crop was 13.86 lakh hectare in 2016-17. The area under commercial crops i.e. sugarcane, cotton and oilseeds has fluctuating trends.
The food-grains production in the State has reached an impressive level of 183.70 lakh tonne during the year 2011-12, registering an increase of more than seven time as compared to 25.92 lakh tonne food-grains production in 1966-67. The wheat and paddy crops have played a major role in pushing up this agricultural production. The production of total foodgrains in the State was likely to be 177.11 lakh tonne in 2016-17. The production of rice was 44.53 lakh tonne in 2016-17.
Establishment of Horticulture University
To boost research activities in horticultural crops, Govt. is establishing Horticulture University in Karnal. The foundation stone of the Horticulture University has been laid out by Hon’ble Union Agriculture Minister and Hon’ble CM Haryana on 6.4.2016. An Act has been passed and Govt. has kept ` 50 crore during the year 2016-17. The Standing Finance Committee accorded its “InPrinciple” approval to the project “Establishment of Horticulture University” at Anganthali, Karnal with the estimated cost of ` 486.59 crore during a period of 5 year from 2017-18 to 2021-22.
Crop Cluster Development Programme (CCDP)
New scheme namely Crop Cluster Development Program (CCDP) has been launched with budget outlet of ` 510.36 crore. Under this program in each cluster marketing infrastructure and post harvest management facilities like pack house, primary processing centre, grading-sorting machine, storage facilities, refer vans, input and quality control facility shall be created to have forward and backward linkage for effective marketing of horticulture produce.
Bhavantar Bharpayee Yojna
Bhavantar Bharpayee Yojna has been launched on dated 30.12.2017 by Hon’ble Chief Minister Haryana. Main purpose of this scheme is to mitigate risk of low prices for horticulture produces in market and to motivate the farmers for diversification in agriculture. In the first phase, 4 crops viz, Onion, Tomato, Potato & Cauliflower have been included. To avail the benefit under the scheme, farmers have to register on Bhavantar Bharpayee Yojna portal of HSAMB website. For the year 2017-18 budget outlay of ` 24.84 crore has been proposed.
Gau abhyaranyas
The Government has decided to establish “Gau Abhyaranyas” at strategic locations in the State for effective rehabilitation and upkeep of stray cattle. The process of establishment of Gau Abhyaranyas at suitable places in the districts of Hisar and Panipat is under progress.
A Gokul Gram is to be established at Sector-1, Govt. Livestock Farm, Hisar. The existing herds of Hariana, Sahiwal and Tharparkar breeds and the available infrastructure will be suitably strengthened to achieve the objectives of the Gokul Gram. A new herd of Gir breed will also be established.
The Government of Haryana has embarked on a revolutionary e-governance initiative through “e-Kharid” project to bring in transparency at all levels in the Food Grains procurement processes, to extend ease of doing business to the traders and to empower the farmers by providing real time information and timely payments. The “e-Kharid” system is a joint initiative of the Haryana State Agricultural Marketing Board and the Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs, Department. The scheme was launched by Hon’ble Chief Minister on 27.9.2016 at Karnal. The transactions have been started from 1st October, 2016.
Crop Cluster Development Programme (CCDP)
New scheme namely Crop Cluster Development Program (CCDP) has been launched with budget outlet of ` 510.36 crore. Under this program in each cluster marketing infrastructure and post harvest management facilities like pack house, primary processing centre, grading-sorting machine, storage facilities, refer vans, input and quality control facility shall be created to have forward and backward linkage for effective marketing of horticulture produce.
implementation of Business Reforms in Haryana
Haryana was ranked 6th best in the country and 1st in North India in the recent assessment of States in the implementation of Business Reforms. To further improve the EoDB ranking of the State from 6th position, the State Government has undertaken many key reforms. The State has revised Uniform Building Code- 2017 and has leveraged the self-certification of third party certification.
Milan Programme
It is an exchange programme between various types of schools i.e rural-urban schools; Government-private schools; elementary– secondary schools; residential–nonresidential schools. Twinning programmes are set up to twin schools, from very different environments, aimed at bridging gaps, facilitating dialogue and encouraging the understanding of customs and cultures through education.
Mukhya Mantri School Beautification Motivational Scheme
To create inserts of students towards the cleanliness of environment of schools ‘Mukhya Mantri School Beautification Motivational Scheme’ was started in the year 2011-12. For this, one High and one Senior Secondary School is selected at block level each of 119 blocks of State. Each selected High and Senior Secondary School is given ` 50,000 for this, after that among these selected schools, out of best High and Senior Secondary is selected at district level in all 22 districts and given ` 1,00,000. Then two school i.e. one High and one Senior Secondary School are selected among these selected schools for State level prize and are given ` 5,00,000 each as award money. An amount of ` 171 lakh has been released 280 GHS/GSSS during the year 2017-18. The prize to winners will be distributed on the celebration day of 26th January every year.
Establishment of National Institutes in the state
- Indian Institute of Information Technology (IIIT) is being established at village Kilohrad, district Sonipat for which 50 acres of land has been provided free of cost by the Gram Panchayat. Guest classes of IIIT have been running in the campus of 2014-15. The construction of boundary wall is in progress through PWD (B & R), Haryana.
- Indian Institute of Management, Rohtak is being established at Rohtak over 200 acres of land. It is presently running in the temporary campus at MDU, Rohtak w.e.f. academic session 2011-12. The construction work of new campus of IIM, Rohtak is on completion stage.
- National Institute of Design (NID) is being established at Umri, district Kurukshetra over a plot of 20.5 acres of land. The guest classes of NID Kurukshetra have been started in the campus of Govt. Polytechnic Umri, Kurukshetra w.e.f 15.11.2016. The construction work of NID campus is in progress through National Buildings Construction Corporation (NBCC).
Mukhya Mantri Muft Ilaj Yojana
Under Mukhya Mantri Muft Ilaj Yojana, 7 types of services, namely surgeries, laboratory tests, diagnostics (X-rays, ECG, and Ultrasound services), OPD/ indoor services, medicines, referral transport and dental treatment are being provided free under this scheme. In addition to this, during the current financial year, some services like haemodialysis are also free for 7 categories of patients e.g. BPL patients, patients belonging to Scheduled Castes (SC) category, residents of urban slums, patients receiving handicap allowance, Haryana Govt.
Deen Dayal Navajat Shishu Suraksha Yojana
State has also planned to provide the Mothers and Newborn Care Kit to all mothers delivering in public health care institutions under the Deen Dayal Navajat Shishu Suraksha Yojana.
Deen Dayal Upadhaya University of Health Sciences, Karnal
In addition to the existing Pandit Bhagwat Dayal Sharma University of Health Sciences, Rohtak, the State Govt. has decided to set up another University of Health Sciences in Karnal. The University will have all multispecialities, super-specialities, Trauma Centre, College of Nursing, Physiotherapy, Skill Development Centre for ParaMedical Courses etc. Gram Panchayat, Kutail has given 144 acre 2 marle land on long term lease for this purpose. The project cost is approx. ` 3,000 crore and it would be completed in 5-7 years.
Mahagram Yojana
Govt. has launched a new scheme namely Mahagram Yojana for providing sewerage system and updation of drinking water supply scheme in villages having population more than 10,000 persons. This Yojana is being implemented co-jointly by Public Health Engineering Department and Development & Panchayat Department. During the year 2017-18, ` 103.51 crore have been provided to Public Health Engineering Department. An expenditure of ` 1.56 crore has been incurred upto 31st December, 2017.
Aapki Beti -Hamari Beti
In order to curb the problem of declining sex ratio and to change the mind set of community towards girl child, State Govt. has implemented scheme “Aapki Beti Hamari Beti” where in ` 21,000 is being deposited in the account of first born girl child of SC and BPL families and ` 21,000 is being deposited on the birth of 2nd girl child of all families. At the time of maturity i.e. 18 years, this amount shall become ` 1 lakh approximately and will be available for utilization by the matured girl child. Haryana Govt.
Gram Sachivalayas
To institutionalize the Gram Panchayats, as well as, to bring transparency in their functioning, the Development and Panchayat Department had planned during 2015-16 to set-up Gram Sachivalayas for every Gram Panchayat. Keeping in view the sanctioned.
Swaprerit Adarsh Gram Yojana
Under this scheme, interested persons, industrialists, NGOs, Universities, PSU’s, Boards and Corporations may adopt a couple of villages to develop all villages as Adarsh Gram in a phased manner to promote the Swaprerit Adarsh Gram Yojana. Under this scheme, 201 villages have been selected and 404 works have been completed upto December, 2017.
Irrigation Efficiency Fund (NABARD)
This new scheme will be implemented from the financial year 2018-19 for undertaking Water Conservation and Harvesting works in 36 identified over exploited & critical block of the state for recharging of ground water. Necessary allocation will be proposed as Centre & State Share for the year 2018-19.
Swaranjayanti Khand Utthan Yojana
A new scheme “Swaranjayanti Khand Utthan Yojana” has been started by the State Govt. to address the developmental imbalances, socio economic imbalances in development process. This Yojana will be implemented initially in the 20 backward blocks in the 1st phase of the State. The broadly feature of the scheme is with the objective of bridging the gaps in local infrastructural and development requirement that cannot be made through existing schemes, to improve livelihood opportunities through skill development programme in convergence with other schemes, skill development design & marketing support in convergence with other departments, to ensure adequate flow of funds to these identified blocks through special component in the normal existing schemes.
Krishna Circuit
The Ministry of Tourism, Government of India under its ‘Swadesh Darshan Scheme’ has identified Kuruskhetra under the Krishna Circuit to develop its tourism infrastructure to promote Kurukshetra as major tourist destination. Accordingly, the State Government has shortlisted development of Braham Sarovar Jyotisar, Narkatri, Sanhit Sarovar, and development of city infrastructure of Kurukshetra.
Heritage Circuit RewariMahendergarh-Madhogarh
The proposal/Detailed project report for development of Tourism Infrastructure under Heritage Circuit for Rewari-MahendergarhMadhogarh under Swadesh Darshan Scheme for ` 99.75 crore has been sent to Ministry of Tourism, Government of India on 27.03.2017. Ministry of Tourism has already conducted site visit and now Government of India, Ministry of Tourism has communicated some observations. The matter is under process.
Gross State Domestic Product (GSDP)
During 2017-18, as per Advance Estimates, the GSDP of Haryana is expected to achieve growth of 8.0 per cent, as against 6.6 per cent recorded at the National level. According to the advance estimates, GSDP of Haryana for 2017-18 at current prices has been estimated as ` 6.08 lakh crore, contributing 3.6 per cent in the All India GDP of `167.52 lakh crore. The GSDP of Haryana at constant prices has been estimated as ` 4.78 lakh crore, which is 3.7 per cent of the All India GDP of `130.04 lakh crore, in 2017-18.
The growth of Gross State Value Added in primary sector has been estimated at 2.5 per cent in 2017-18, 7.7 per cent in secondary sector and 9.4 per cent in tertiary sector. The corresponding figures at National level for 2017-18 have been estimated at 3.0 per cent for primary sector, 5.1 per cent in secondary sector and 8.3 per cent in tertiary sector.
Cashless Medical Services Scheme
The Government has launched a limited Cashless Medical Services Scheme for government employees and pensioners on November 30, 2017. The scheme is currently applicable for 6 life threatening conditions, namely cardiac emergencies, accidents, 3rd and 4th stage cancer, coma, brain haemorrhage and electrocution. The upper limit of cashless medical facility of up to ` 5 lakh per admission has also been removed.
Haryana Textile Policy 2018
The State Government has recently approved the “Haryana Textile Policy 2018” based on five key pillars namely, initiatives for infrastructure augmentation, fiscal incentives, support for skill training / entrepreneurship, interventions for khadi industry and facilitating new textile parks and clusters across State. The main objectives of the policy are (i) to attract investment of five thousand crore rupees in the textile sector; (ii) to generate 50,000 new jobs in the textile sector, (iii) to boost textile exports (iv) to achieve balanced regional growth.
Ease of doing business
Haryana grabbed the third spot in ease of doing business report. Andhra Pradesh has topped the government’s ease of doing business index for states, ahead of the industrialised states such as Gujarat, Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu. The topping southern state was followed by Telangana and Haryana which grabbed the second and third spots respectively, according to the third edition of Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion’s (DIPP’s) Business Reforms Action Plan, 2017.
Haryana to develop new global city in Gurugram district
The Haryana government is developing a global city over 1,000 acres area in Gurugram district, adjjoining the national capital.
“This global city is poised to serve as an important node to Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor (DMIC) sub-region of Haryana and carries an investment potential of $15 billion,” Haryana IndustriesNSE 0.61 % and Commerce Minister Vipul Goel told media here.
Haryana adopted start up ranking
Haryana government has decided to adopt start up ranking framework issued by Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIPP).
It has also been decided to circulate this framework to all the departments to provide documentary evidence to electronic and information technology department regarding any initiative taken by them against seven parameters defined under this framework.
Under the framework out of 38 action points, 21 action points requires submission of supporting documents, one action point requires only stakeholder feedback and 16 action points required both components for the assessment of state start-up initiatives.
Haryana gives go-ahead for high-speed rail project
The State government gave a go-ahead to first phase of the ₹25,000 crore Regional Rapid Transit System (RRTS) project for a high-speed rail network from Sarai Kale Khan in Delhi to the Haryana-Rajasthan border near Shahjahanpur-Neemrana-Behror (SNB). Of the 100 km project route, around 80 km falls in Haryana.
Alignment for the RRTS project will run along an elevated section on Old Delhi Road in Gurugram to Atul Katarya Chowk, proceeding to Signature Tower Chowk and then along National Highway-48 up to Rajiv Chowk.
Crisil expects Haryana to be warehousing nerve centre
Haryana is emerging as a new hub for warehousing in the country, with the unified structure of the goods and services tax putting the spotlight on the state and other areas surrounding the National Capital Region, according to a research report.
Haryana govt signs Rs 20,000 cr worth MoU for logistics parks
The Haryana government signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Verbind, an integrated trade facilitation services organisation, to set up a logistics and trading hub in the state that would attract investment to the tune of Rs 20,000 crore, a release from CII said.
The hub will be spread over an area of 600 acres near Gurugram, and the public-private project is expected to generate employment for six lakh people.
Haryana tops states in per capita revenue collection under GST
Haryana has topped the states in per capita revenue collection under GST and has become the fourth highest generator of e-way bills in the country, said Haryana Finance Minister Abhimanyu on Wednesday. The state, he said, has also widened the tax base by 82.22 per cent, logging 19 per cent hike in revenue collections.
The compliance percentage in the state is 5-7 per cent higher than the national average. The revenue collection under commercial taxes has registered a double-digit growth,” the minister said. Spelling out the achievements made by the state post-GST, he said one of the most important achievements was widening the tax base by 82.22 per cent.
AMRUT scheme: Centre approves Rs 6 bn for nine projects in Haryana
Sewerage, drinking water supply and drainage system will be improved in Haryana by spending Rs 6 billion on nine projects in seven towns under the second phase of the Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation (AMRUT) scheme.
Under the second phase of AMRUT, a sum of Rs 418.8 million would be spent to improve the sewerage system in Bahadurgarh, Rs 494.9 million in Yamunanagar, Rs 575.5 million in Hisar, Rs 1.63 billion in Rohtak and Rs 999 million in Palwal.
Haryana extends subsidised sugar scheme to BPL families
The Haryana government has proposed that it will provide subsidised sugar every month to the ‘below poverty line’ (BPL) families in the state, extending a welfare scheme earlier available to only ‘Antyodaya Anna Yojna’ (AAY) families. Families under both categories will also get a litre of subsidised mustard oil.
Gobardhan scheme launched from Haryana’s Karnal
Launching the Gobardhan scheme the state government is making arrangements to generate bio-gas from cattle dung and will help gram panchayats in setting up gas plants. There are about 450 gaushalas and nandishalas in Haryana with a strength of about 3.41 lakh cattle.
Haryana signs over Rs 2,000-cr pacts in food sector
The Haryana government has signed initial pacts worth Rs 2,069 crore with 44 agro-based and food processing enterprises and establishments that will provide employment to 5,012 persons.
The Memoranda of Understanding (MoU) were signed today in the presence of state chief minister Manohar Lal Khattar at the Haryana Session on the second day of the three-day World Food India organised in the national capital, according to a Haryana government release.
Haryana to hold world conference of wholesale market in Oct
Haryana will host 33rd World Union of Wholesale Markets (WUWM) Conference in Gurugram from October 10-13 this year, in which heads of 200 mandis from across the world will participate.
Parivartan scheme launched in Haryana
The Haryana government today launched Parivartan, a scheme designed to address 10 issues, including cleanliness and pollution, in 46 developmental blocks of the state.
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