Frontiers And Boundaries With Reference To Indian Sub

 Frontiers and boundaries with reference to Indian sub-continent A Frontier, can be defined as a politico-geographical area, lying beyond defined borders of a political unit into which expansion could take place. It is a physical and moral concept which implied looking outwards and moving outwards. It is not an abstract concept but a … Read more

Geo Politcs In South Asia

 Geo-political and Strategic development in South Asia South Asia is a sub-region of Asian continent comprising the modern states of Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, the Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. It covers about 4,480,000 km2 or 10% of the continent, and is also known as the Indian subcontinent. The countries of the … Read more

Bilateral, Regional And Global Groupings And Agreements Involving India And Or Affecting India#U2019s Interests

 Bilateral, regional and global groupings and agreements involving India and or affecting India’s interests   Historical Background India’s relations with the world have evolved since the British Raj (1857–1947), when the British Empire monopolised external and defence relations. When India gained independence in 1947, few Indians had experience in making or conducting foreign … Read more

Geo Politics Of West Asia

 Geo-political and Strategic development in west Asia and impact on india Geopolitically, West Asia is the most important region of the world. The strategic geographical location of the West Asia has made the region from ancient times the centre of world focus among nations and Empires as they tried to control over the … Read more


 SAARC, BRICS,other Bilateral and Regional groupings In the 20th century there was a strong dynamics of integration processes, in the singular regions of the world, what is identified, by many scientists, with a trial to find a new way of economy development. Nowadays, integration activity is tied with liberalization of economic relations, and … Read more

India Relations With European Union

 India relations with european union The 1994 EU-India Cooperation Agreement provides the legal framework for EU-India relations. Since 2000, regular Summits have boosted political, economic and sectorial cooperation underpinned by the formation of the EU-India Strategic Partnership in 2004.   At the 14th EU-India Summit, held in New Delhi on 6 October 2017, … Read more

Strategic Location Of India In The Indian Ocean

 Strategic location of India in the Indian Ocean India wishes to build and strengthen its global image, commensurate with its size, population and the strength of its economy.  It espouses the ideals of democracy, secularism and peaceful co-existence. These aspirations, however, are challenged by a range of factors: a large population; ethnic, religious … Read more

International Terrorism

 International terrorism Terrorism, the systematic use of violence to create a general climate of fear in a population and thereby to bring about a particular political objective. Terrorism has been practiced by political organizations with both rightist and leftist objectives, by nationalistic and religious groups, by revolutionaries, and even by state institutions such … Read more

Geo Politics In South East Asia

 Geo-political and Strategic development in South east Asia Over the past decade, Southeast Asia’s economic and geopolitical profile in the world has risen dramatically. Its US$2.5 trillion economy is a rare bright spot for global growth. In global international relations, it has assumed a remarkable degree of centrality due to the increasingly integrated … Read more

International Relations And Transparency

 <strong>     <u>The Concept of Transparency in International Relations</u></strong> Transparency is a political condition valued and pursued by countless actors in globalpolitics, and transparency promotion is central to an extensive range of policy issues.Development aid practices, Internet governance and surveillance, the accountability ofinternational institutions, democracy promotion, nuclear weapons proliferation, and thepolitics of financial regulation … Read more