20-08-21 Daily-Haryana-HPSC Current Affairs

Haryana Affairs

Haryana decides to ban use of word Gorakh Dhanda’

Haryana Government on Wednesday decided to ban the use of the term Gorakh Dhanda generally used to describe unethical practices.

A decision to this regard was taken by the Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar after a delegation of the Gorakhnath community met him here. The Gorakhnath community urged him to ban the use of the term Gorakh Dhanda and said that it hurts the sentiments of the followers of Saint Gorakhnath.

The CM said that as Guru Gorakhnath was a saint and using this word in any official language, speech or in any context hurts the sentiments of his followers, therefore the use of this word in any context has been completely banned now.

National and International Affairs

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