Haryana Affairs
Taking State Governments vision of groundwater development and management a step further, Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar on Thursday approved the engagement of District Implementation Partners (DIPs) for six clusters to support the successful implementation of Atal Bhujal Yojana.
After the approval, DIPs will prepare the village water security plans and facilitate the implementation of Atal Jal at the gram panchayat level. They will also facilitate community engagement and social behavioural transition.
The Chief Minister was further apprised that Atal Bhujal Yojana is a Participatory Groundwater Management scheme supported by the Central Government and and implemented by the Haryana Government. The major objective of this scheme is to create the hydrogeological data Network of groundwater Resources and further building community institutions to manage the groundwater resources in Haryana.
As a part of the programme, community mobilisation and awareness activities, as well as capacity building of stakeholders, will take place. Initially, the water security plan of each village will be prepared and the same will be implemented over the next four years.
National and International Affairs
NITI AAYOG and TRIFED Work Together to Ensure the Successful Implementation of the Van Dhan Yojana
In keeping with the slogans of “Atmanirbhar Bharat” and “Be Vocal for Local Buy Tribal”, in order to achieve the goal of “SabkaSaath, SabkaVikas”, TRIFED is cooperating with to ensure the successful implementation of the Van Dhan Yojana in the area, which has been identified as an ideal area by NITI Aayog.
National Mission on Oilseeds and Oil Palm
The National Oilseed and Oil Palm mission is in news.In 2014-15, the Government of India launched the National Mission on Oilseeds and Oil Palm (NMOOP) with the goal of increasing the country’s oilseed production.
About NMOOP:
The NMOOP was launched as part of Mini Missions (MM) I, II, and III to accomplish the following specific goals:
According to MM-I, the mission aims to increase oilseed production from the current Average of 28.93 million tons to 35.51 million tons.
Under MM-II, the goal of the mission is to expand the oil palm plantation area and increase the yield of fresh fruit bunches (FFB) from 4927 kg/ha to 15,000 kg/ha.
MMIII intends to increase the seed collection of Tree Borne Oilseeds (TBOs) such as olive, sal, mahua, kokum, wild apricot, Tung, and others from 9 lakh tonnes to 14 lakh tonnes, as well as provide the best planting materials for the expanded areas.
Disease Eradication Programmes under Union Health Ministry
The government is implementing 3 disease eradication programs, namely the National Vector-borne Disease Control Program (NVBDCP), the National Leprosy Eradication Program (NLEP), and the National Tuberculosis Elimination Program (NTEP).
National Vector Borne Diseases Control Programme (NVBDCP):
The program’s plan is to eliminating three diseases: Malaria, Filaria, and Kala-Azar.
These diseases are being targeted for elimination rather than eradication.
The vector is affected by factors such as temperature, humidity, and rainfall, so it is impossible to completely eradicate VBD from the world.
National Leprosy Eradication Programme (NLEP)
Active Case Detection and Regular Surveillance in both rural and urban areas, via ASHAs and Frontline Workers, to ensure regular and early detection of leprosy cases in order to prevent grade II disabilities.
Leprosy screening has been combined with Rashtriya Kishore Swasthya Karyakram (RKSK) and Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram (RBSK) for screening children (0-18 years old)
Leprosy screening has been combined with the comprehensive primary Health care activities of Ayushman Bharat-Health and Wellness Center (AB-HWC) to screen people over 30 years of age.
National TB Elimination programme(NTEP)
Early diagnosis of all TB patients, prompt treatment with quality-assured drugs and treatment regimens, & appropriate patient support systems to encourage adherence.
Interacting with patients seeking treatment in the private sector.
Prevention strategies, such as active case finding and contact tracing, in high-risk / vulnerable populations
Infection control in the air.
A multi-sectoral approach to dealing with social determinants.
Ashadha Purnima-Dhamma Chakra Day
On Ashadha Purnima-Dhamma Chakra Day, the Prime Minister delivered a speech to the nation.
On this full moon day of Ashadha month in the Hindu calendar, the Dhamma Chakra day is celebrated across the world to commemorate the first sermon taught by Gautama Buddha to his five ascetic disciples.
This day is also appropriately observed as Guru Purnima by both Buddhists and Hindus as a day to honour their gurus.
INS AIRAVAT – Supplies for Indonesia
INS Airavat arrives in Jakarta with relief supplies for Indonesia.
The Indian Naval Ship (INS) Airavat arrived at the port of Jakarta, Indonesia with necessary COVID-19 relief supplies
The INS Airavat is a Landing Ship Tank (Large) type of ship that primarily performs amphibious operations and can transport multiple tanks, amphibious vehicles, and other military cargo.
The ship is also used for HADR relief operations and has participated in various relief efforts throughout the Indian Ocean region.
Rashtriya Gram Swaraj Abhiyan – CSS
The reorganized Rashtriya <a href="https://exam.pscnotes.com/gram-swaraj-abhiyan”>Gram Swaraj Abhiyan, a Centrally Sponsored Scheme will be implemented in all states/UT in 2018-19.
It was introduced in 2018. It is a Centrally-funded programme. The primary goal is to strengthen Panchayati Raj institutions in order to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.
The RGSA assists over 2.55 lakh Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs) in developing Governance capabilities through inclusive local governance with a focus on maximising available Resources.
Priority will be given to national issues that have the greatest impact on excluded groups, such as POVERTY, primary Health care, Nutrition, immunisation, and so on.
This scheme extends to all UTs and states in the country, and will also include rural Local Government agencies in non-part IX areas where Panchayats do not exist
There is no provision in the Rashtriya Gram Swaraj Abhiyan scheme for the formation of new Panchayats. Panchayats are formed or reorganised by the respective states/union territories based on their needs.
Lunar Formation Around a Planet
For the first time, scientists have discovered a lunar formation around a planet outside <a href="https://exam.pscnotes.com/the-solar-system”>The Solar System-a Jupiter-like world surrounded by a disk of gas and dust large enough to produce three moons, the size of which is equivalent to one orbiting the earth.
The ALMA observatory in Chile’s Atacama desert was used to detect a disc of swirling material accumulating around one of two newborn planets seen orbiting PDS 70, a young star located 370 Light years from Earth.
A light year is the distance that light travels in a year, which is approximately 9.5 trillion kilometres.
Phase Two of I-STEM Portal
I-STEM, a national portal for shared research and development facilities, was launched in January 2020 with the support of the Prime Ministers Science, Technology and Innovation Advisory Council (PM-STIAC).
The I-STEM project has been extended for five years, until 2026, and has entered its second phase with new features.
During Phase II, the portal will host indigenous technology products that will be listed in a digital catalogue.
In its new phase, the I-STEM portal will be designed as a dynamic digital platform to boost research and innovation, particularly in second and third-tier cities, as well as in the emerging start-up ecosystem.
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