DMPQ: Comment on the rig veda economy. (Ancient India)

Rig Vedic economy was primarily pastoral. They domesticated Pashu (which included cattle, horse and even human beings), as opposed to Mriga, i.e. wild animals. Cattle was synonymous with wealth and a wealthy person was called Gomat. Cattle was so important that the terms of battle were derived from Gau itself, such as Gavisti, Gosu, Gavyat, … Read more

DMPQ: Akbar was highly tolerant Mughal emperor. Discuss the religious policy of Akbar. (Medieval History)

  He banned forced conversion in 1562. He abolished pilgrim tax on Hindus. Jaziya was also abolished which usede to be levy on non muslims. Akbar constructed Ibadatkhana at FatehpurSikri for religious discourses and discussions to be conducted every Thursday. Akbar invited father monsuratte and father Aquinois to speak on Christianity, Pt. Puroshottam on Hinduism, … Read more

DMPQ: The art of textual illustration got a new look under the Mughals. Discuss the achievements in the field of painting. (Medieval India)

Akbar and his successors brought revolutionary changes to painting and sensual illustrations. From this period book illumination or individual miniatures replaced wall painting as the most vital form of art. Emperor Akbar patronised artists from Kashmir and Gujarat; Humayun brought two Persian painters to his court. For the first time painters‘ names were recorded in … Read more

DMPQ:Discuss the characteristics of the Chola art and their contribution in the field of art and architecture. (Ancient Art)

Cholas were great patron of art and architecture. Brihadeshwar temple and bronze sculpture of Nataraj are testimony to that. Cholas built many temples throughout their kingdoms. For example temple at Narthamalai, kumbakonam, etc. The major features of Chola art and architecture are as follows:   Architecture: Use of local stones They followed the pallava style … Read more

DMPQ: What were the teachings of Saint Kabir? ( Medieval India)

Saint Kabir mystic poet & saint was brought up in Muslim weaver family.He spreaded his spiritual message in simple words . He opposed hypocrisy,superstition,caste system.Teachings of Kabir were also mentioned in books of Sikh religion.   Following are the teachings of Saint Kabir: Anti Casteism -Don’t ask caste of saint.Rather ask his knowledge.   Humility – Use always sweet polite … Read more

DMPQ:Discuss the characteristics of the Chola art and their contribution in the field of art and architecture. (Ancient Art)

Cholas were great patron of art and architecture. Brihadeshwar temple and bronze sculpture of Nataraj are testimony to that. Cholas built many temples throughout their kingdoms. For example temple at Narthamalai, kumbakonam, etc. The major features of Chola art and architecture are as follows:   Architecture: Use of local stones They followed the pallava style … Read more